Rebecca Pinckney's

Ten Years Is a Long Break Time

In Personal Blog on April 4, 2022 at 12:19 PM

Dear Blog Readers,

It has been a decade since I added to this blog. Much water has passed under the bridge of my life.

I am excited to tell you that I will be publishing my new children’s alphabet book soon. It is written and illustrated by me.

More information will be forthcoming.

Rebecca B. Pinckney

Children’s book author and illustrator

New Year New Beginnings

In Personal Blog on January 4, 2014 at 12:46 PM

Last year one of my goals was to publish the anthology of children’s books about teasel creatures.

This year the goal will be the same, along with cataloguing the love letters that my Grandfather wrote

to my Grandmother from 1917 onward. He was stationed in Macon, Georgia and was waiting to go over

to France near the end of World War I.  The letters are lovely to read. 


The War of the Hummers

In Personal Blog on August 15, 2013 at 9:12 AM

Earlier in the summer I put two small hummingbird feeders on our picture window outside the kitchen breakfast room.  A matched pair of birds have been fighting over the source of food ever since.  Right now I see a male and female perched on a tree branch outside the window of my upstairs office where I am typing this message.  The lively pair are sitting conveniently close to the newer bigger hummingbird feeder that I hung over the same picture window.

Everyday they used up the sugar water in the two smaller feeder vials so quickly that I was adding more liquid to the containers several times daily.  I decided to use one larger feeder to save myself some time and footwork.  Now that they have discovered the new feeder it’s World War III on the back porch.  These fascinating critters provide us with plenty of action to view at mealtimes as they dive bomb one another and chasing one another off the sweet juice.  Territorial beasts they are!